1 - Do you know how much that will cost?
A father comes to Father Rocky with a dilemma: the advice he receives was advice he, nor his family, would never forget.
2 - His First Words as Pope Were, "Do Not be Afraid."
John Paul II did something that hadn’t been done for over 100 years: now, it’s a staple of Eucharistic Revival in our parishes. Do you know what it is?
3 - The Mysterious Metal Sound
Every morning, while Josemaria Escriva heard confessions, he heard clanging coming from the main church. What was going on? Who – or what – was coming in and out in the early morning? He sneaks into the church one day to discover a source that will inspire you!
4 - "And What Good Hands Those Are."
Father Rocky visits a dying man with his first, only, and last communion. In those thirty minutes, the man’s whole life changed.
5 - Take it to Jesus
After adopting four children from Mexico, a couple struggles to navigate the unforeseen challenges of their sudden change in life. Ten years later, they share their story of Adoration and unity with Father Rocky.
6 - What's the Best Way to Receive Holy Communion?
With such a diverse range of ways to receive, what’s the best? The one you prepare for. Fr. Rocky gives tips on preparing well to receive the Eucharist!
7 - Generous, Courageous, and Charitable: St. Damien of Molokai
Why go where you know you might die? Fr. Rocky recounts the story of St. Damien of Molokai, working among lepers to bring the love of Christ to them every day of their illness.
8 - Caddying for Christ
To go to leadership camp, a young Fr. Rocky needed to pay his way – and caddying for a golf course seemed to be the perfect way to get quick cash. Little did he know he would find exactly what he needed, in more ways than one!
9 - "That Should be Your Intention"
A travelling salesman finds himself away from his eight children far more than he wanted. But what was he to do? His whole world changed after his spiritual director gave him unforgettable advice.
10 - The Value of a Mass
A classic story Fr. Rocky tells at summer camp every year follows a poor old widow, looking to exchange something for as much meat as it’s worth – and all but breaking the scale!
11 - More Faith Than Money
How is it that the poor can do such extraordinary things? Fr. Rocky recounts stories from his time in the Highlands of Michoacan, with no paved streets, no running water, yet more faith than anywhere he’d ever been.
12 - Generous, Courageous, and Charitable: Mother Teresa
The Eucharist emboldens us to be many things, as we see in the example of the Saints. Fr. Rocky shares stories of modern-day saint Mother Teresa of Calcutta, whose life was devoted to the poorest of the poor and the humility of the Eucharist.
13 - The Most Beautiful Perpetual Adoration Chapel in the World
Have you been to the most beautiful perpetual Adoration chapel in the world? Fr. Rocky shares it with you and the story behind its incomparable beauty.
14 - “That’s why we had to start in the chapel.”
15 - The Marlboro Man