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2 - His First Words as Pope Were, "Do Not be Afraid."

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1 - Do you know how much that will cost?

Eucharistic Encounters • 2m 34s
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Up Next in Eucharistic Encounters

  • 2 - His First Words as Pope Were, "Do...

    John Paul II did something that hadn’t been done for over 100 years: now, it’s a staple of Eucharistic Revival in our parishes. Do you know what it is?

  • 3 - The Mysterious Metal Sound

    Every morning, while Josemaria Escriva heard confessions, he heard clanging coming from the main church. What was going on? Who – or what – was coming in and out in the early morning? He sneaks into the church one day to discover a source that will inspire you!

  • 4 - "And What Good Hands Those Are."

    Father Rocky visits a dying man with his first, only, and last communion. In those thirty minutes, the man’s whole life changed.